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Supported Employment

Our mission is to educate, advocate, and support individuals with disabilities to become self-sufficient, successful members of the community through competitive, integrated employment. 

The Employment Process

View this helpful flyer that breaks down the employment process!

Phase One: Job Development

Job Development is the first half of the employment process. Clients get matched with one of our Job Development Specialists, and they work together to determine the client’s vocational interests, skills, goals and abilities. Imagine! coordinates with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), which is typically the primary funding source in the employment process. Our Job Development Specialists support clients through job skill development, researching jobs, creating a resume, practicing for the interview process, attending interviews and onboarding at their new workplace.

Step One - Job Preparation

Upon being matched with one of our Job Development Specialists and having a case open with DVR, clients will determine their goals, develop vocational skills, create their resumes, and start practicing for interviews.


Step Two - Job Searching

Once the client feels ready, they will work with their Job Development Specialist to research jobs in their community and start the application process. Imagine! follows a person-centered career planning model that takes into account your personal preferences, goals and dreams.


Step Three - Interviewing

Once an interview is obtained, the Job Development Specialist will help coordinate the scheduling (if needed) and support the client in whichever ways they need.


Step Four - Placement & Onboarding

Once the client is offered and accepts a job (placement), our staff will help them with onboarding, orientation, training, and other new hire tasks. They will then start working with a Job Coach.

Phase Two: Job Coaching

Once a client has obtained employment, they begin job coaching. Our job coaches support clients in maintaining their jobs and becoming efficient employees. Job coaching looks different for each client based on their needs and their job tasks. Our goal is to support the individual in forming coworker relationships, learning new tasks and mastering tasks by supporting the client to become as independent as possible and fade out when appropriate. We always do our best to promote independence and support clients in learning how to communicate with their supervisors and coworkers to advocate for themselves and their needs.

Step One - New Hire

This occurs in the first few months of learning a job. If requested, a Job Coach will be present during each shift to help learn the new tasks, form relationships and become a sufficient employee.


Step Two - Maintenance

This phase looks different for each client. Our Job Coaches will continue supporting clients to continue growing in their employment, support with new tasks, maintain efficiency with job tasks, communicate with supervisors and support with anything else the client may need.


Step Three - Fading

Once the Job Coach and client have decided that they are independent in their role, the Job Coach may begin to fade. Again, this looks different for each client. Examples of fading include: increasing physical distance from client and Job Coach during their shift, decreasing the amount of time the Job Coach is present during shifts and even ending direct support at work and continuing with some communication outside of work. Before a Job Coach fades, they will discuss this with the client and update the whole team. If the client and/or team decides they want to continue receiving support, we will continue to provide it.

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