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Mental Health Services

Mental health challenges can affect daily tasks, relationships, and even physical health. They can also negatively impact a person's ability to enjoy life - to attain a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve happiness.


Imagine!'s team of Mental Health Clinicians are established in the field and have many years experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities. We have a unique ability to support someone with dual diagnoses. Identifying a mental disorder for someone with a cognitive delay can present additional challenges, and our clinicians have the expertise and understanding to help problem solve and find the right care for you.

Who is Eligible? 

  • 18 and older

  • Reside in Boulder or Broomfield counties

  • Medicaid State Plan is your primary insurer

  • Eligible for I/DD Services

  • Diagnosed with a mental illness or experiencing symptoms of a mental illness

Get more information about Mental Health Services!

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