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Group Home Program

What is a group home?

Imagine! owns and operates two Group Homes with space for 6-8 residents. The home in Boulder is designed for those with minimal care needs and supports. It is a great transition home for those individuals that want to learn skills to help them live independently. The home in Broomfield is designed for individuals that have higher medical needs such as physical assistance with feeding, ADL’s, medications, medical appointments, transferring and transportation.

Overnight In-Residence Staffing at Boulder Location

Qualified, in-residence staffing to provide care and support.

24/7 Awake Staffing at Broomfield Location

Qualified, around the clock staffing to provide care and support.

Fully Accessible Layout

Ceiling mounted lift systems, accessible bathrooms and spacious community areas.

 Social Activities for Residents

Meaningful community integration and casual outings to increase independence and social skills based on individuals’ preferences.

Financial Assistance

Imagine! supports financial independence, ensuring that the resident has access to personal spending money and that bills are paid on time. Additionally, Imagine! can provide Representative Payee services.

Embedded Services

Imagine!’s Group Homes are supported by Behavioral Services, Nursing, and Technology to help ensure that residents have access to the highest quality of care and latest assistive technology.

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