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Family Recruited Employee Program

Community Connections provides services and supports to assist you in becoming an active member of your community. This will give you an opportunity to build and maintain relationships, helping improve social skills and to foster meaningful relationships in the community. As identified in your Service Plan, your Family Recruited Employee will help you develop social skills, independence, adaptive skills, and motor skills, giving you the necessary tools to access your community. Imagine! firmly believes that the community is a wonderful learning environment, therefore we provide supports needed to engage in community activities. For clients who cannot function in group settings, FRE services provide one on one support, making meaningful community access possible.

SLS Options


No more than 9.75 hours within any 24 hour period



This is not 24 hour care. This is 10 hours of Respite within any 24 hour period, no more or no less. *Please note: Respite "Days" and individual Respite hours cannot be used within the same 24 hour period.



This category is only for households with 2 or more eligible siblings living in the same home.



Hands on assistance with feeding, bathing, dressing, eating and hygiene can occur outside the State of Colorado. All other services under PC must occur within the State.



Service goal must be training/teaching the client to improve skill level with cooking, cleaning or laundry. Service must take place in the home of the client. Habilitation includes direct training and instruction to the participant, which is more than basic cueing to prompt the participant to perform a task. Habilitation shall include a training program with specific objectives and anticipated outcomes. The primary intent must be to provide habilitative services to increase independence of the participant.





CES Options




No more than 9.75 hours within any 24 hour period



This is not 24 hour care. This is 10 hours of Respite within any 24 hour period, no more or no less. *Please note: Respite "Days" and individual Respite hours cannot be used within the same 24 hour period.



This category is only for households with 2 or more eligible siblings living in the same home.



Provides care and supervision to children 12-17 years old while the primary caregiver works, volunteers, seeks employment, or goes to school.



Provides services and supports identified in Service Plan to assist consumer in developing abilities and skills necessary to participate in community life (such as community education or training and volunteer activities). Assists consumer in building and developing relationships and natural supports in the community. Services may include socialization, adaptive skills, and personnel to accompany individual in community. Enables consumer to utilize the community as a learning environment, through conducting services in a variety of settings.



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