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Employment Services

At Imagine!, we believe in the potential of all and in Imagine!'s Employment Services, that potential is celebrated by working together to find you a job that fits your needs, goals, and desires! From the paperwork and preparation needed to land a job, to performing well and reaching your goals while on the job, Imagine! is there for you!


Vocational Skills

Since 1984, Imagine! has assisted individuals with developmental disabilities in finding meaningful employment throughout Boulder and Broomfield counties. This starts with job coaching and skill development, working toward finding and maintaining successful employment.

Job Placement

Imagine! partners with a variety of businesses around Boulder and Broomfield counties to provide job opportunities for you. We find the best possible match with available opportunities for you and work to ensure that your experience in the workplace is secure, productive, and enjoyable.

Competitive Integrated Employment

Imagine!’s goal is to find you Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE), which is work that is performed on a full-time or part-time basis where you are:


  • Compensated at or above minimum wage and comparable to the customary rate paid by the employer to employees without disabilities performing similar duties and with similar training and experience;

  • Receiving the same level of benefits provided to other employees without disabilities in similar positions;

  • At a location where the employee interacts with other individuals without disabilities; and

  • Presented opportunities for advancement similar to other employees without disabilities in similar positions.

Get Started Finding a Job!

Everyone is capable of maintaining a successful job that they enjoy.

Imagine!'s Employment Services is in your corner and will assist with networking, resume building, interview practicing, skill assessment, and finding you a job that fits well.


Imagine!'s Employment Specialists will walk you through an assessment that can help us identify what career path will best serve your needs, goals, and dreams.

Group Job Skills Classes

Imagine! offers group jobs skills classes designed to educate and support individuals who wish to pursue competitive, integrated employment in the future, or those already employed, in developing a wide variety of meaningful job skills through both controlled and community settings.

Job Training Re-Imagined

We are very proud of our efforts in creating job simulation modules via Virtual Reality. The Employment team and Assistive Technology teams work together to create unique virtual environments that allow the individuals we serve to practice job skills and procedures specific to the line of work they are preparing for, without having to be at the actual job site.


Imagine! is thinking outside the box and implementing technology solutions as part of our Employment Services. In a world influenced by modern technology, Imagine! strives to take advantage of appropriate tech supports so that each individual is put in the best position possible to succeed.

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